Education Solutions

Building Capacity


People of Determination Services (PoDS) strive for a school system that leaves no one behind, we help and support educators to provide an improved quality of education and classroom experience for everyone.

Within our team of experts we can provide the highest quality service that is expected for inclusion and diversity, as set out in the “Directives and guidelines for inclusive education”.

Classroom & School environment

People of Determination Services (PoDS) help students of determination  to access and participate in quality education by:

  • Training teachers to meet the diverse needs of  their students.
  • Providing guidance regarding reasonable adjustments to the classroom.
  • Conducting accessibility audit to the Dubai Universal Design Code standards.
  • Reviewing emergency evacuation plans (Peeps), at risk, and child protection practice, policies and procedures.
learning support assistants

Staff Training

Support staff and learning support assistants make valuable contributions to the school culture in and beyond the classroom. We provide training, support services, and classroom tool kits to assist these staff members.

We specialise in building the capacity of school teams to interact with children with learning, physical, and Neurodiversity conditions; enabling appropriate understanding of programs designed to meet the individual needs of students.

Support for Teachers

Recognising that the need of learners with disabilities are diverse, our programs support teachers to gain understanding in developing approaches that are inclusive and meet needs. We can support skill development in:

  • Construction and use of Individual Education Plans (IEP).
  • Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
  • Behaviour and social and emotional well-being programs.
  • Understanding the impacts of and supports for individual disabilities on learning and the learning environment; medical, physical, sensory, communication and anxiety difficulties.
  • Introduction to low and high tech devices strategies to assist students learning.
  • Collaborative planning to meet complex needs negotiating and designing adjustments to learning tools, assessment and assignment rubrics.
  • Ensuring equitable access to a program within and beyond the classroom.

We can also help with creating PCP (Person Centred Planning) which is an ongoing problem solving process used to help young people of determination on their education and plan for the future.

Head Teacher

Strategic planning for governing board

DEVELOPING A VISION OF INCLUSION – “The mandate of the school leadership team is to create, promote and sustain robust inclusive settings that respect diversity, support a sense of belonging and ensure that every student receives a quality education in Dubai private schools; a commitment to idenifying, reducing and removing barriers to student learning and success lies at the heart of this process. Inclusive schools help build an inclusive society, and meeting the needs of students of determination within our schools is a critically important part of this process. ” (Directives and guidelines for inclusive education)

In simple terms, our experts can help you with this.

Parents relations

Collaborating with parents of students of determination should be at the corner stone of any strategic plan, class room delivery and true integration.

As a primary stake holder it is important to understand that parents are essential members of the team that will develop educational programs for their children including individual education plans  (IEP) and PCPs.

We also offer training for parents, care givers and support staff where children have acquired a recent disability or there have been a change in presentation.

We are building a digital support tool (phone app) that can be used by parents to access information on support and leisure services.

Parent with a student of determination

Education Solutions

Building Capacity